Consolidated Fund Budget
- Introduction
- Consolidated Financial Management Report for the Year Ended March 31, 2006
- 2005-2006 Operating Fund Budget Mid-Year Budget Review and Revisions
- Tuition 2005-2006
- Revenue Generating Activities 2005-2006
- 2006-2007 Budget Planning Assumptions Version 2
- Funding Allocations for New Programs or Expansion 2006-2007
- 2006-2007 Budget Strategy for Instructional Recruitment and Instructional Publicity
Confirmation of Provincial Funding:
- 2006-2007 to 2008-2009 AVED Operating Grants and Student FTE Targets
- Balancing the Budget (or Getting all the Planets into Alignment at the Right Time)
- Summary of Budget Balancing Steps
- 2006-2007 Operating Budget - Non-Instructional Enhancements
- Budget Additions Not Previously Identified on the Non-Instructional Enhancements
- 2006-2007 Consolidated Budget
- How Things Have Changed Over Twenty-Five Years