Planning Assumptions | Positive / (Negative) Impact on Budget | ||
2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 | |
1. Incremental Progression | (520000) | (400000) | (400000) |
Incremental progression through salary scales. Assuming a Provincial funding mandate of 0-0-0, it is anticipated that this expenditure will not be funded: Administration, BCGEU, CUPE, and MFA |
---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
2. Salary Adjustments | |||
2.Salary adjustments pursuant to collective bargaining and review of terms of appointment (Administration only). It is anticipated that this expenditure will not be funded by the Province. a) Salary adjustments already contractually obligated: BCGEU and MFA b) Salary adjustments projected: Administration and CUPE BCGEU and MFA |
---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
a) BCGEU and MFA | (1700000) | (520000) | |
Salary adjustments already contractually obligated: BCGEU and MFA |
---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
b) Administration and CUPE | (195000) | (198000) | (202000) |
b) Salary adjustments projected: Administration and CUPE BCGEU and MFA |
---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
BCGEU and MFA | (530000) | ||
b) Salary adjustments projected: Administration and CUPE BCGEU and MFA |
---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
3. Benefits Adjustments | |||
3. Health and Welfare Benefits adjustments, pursuant to government policy, collective bargaining, and review of terms of appointment (Administration only). d) Increased premiums (Life, LTD, EHB, Dental): |
---------- | ---------- | 3. Health and Welfare Benefits adjustments, pursuant to government policy, collective bargaining, and review of terms of appointment (Administration only). |
a) All Groups | (150000) | (100000) | (100000) |
a) Government policy on CPP and WCB: All Groups |
---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
b) BCGEU and MFA | (322000) | ||
b) Benefits adjustments already contractually obligated: BCGEU and MFA |
---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
c) Administration and CUPE | (162000) | (X) | |
c) Benefits adjustments projected: Administration and CUPE BCGEU and MFA |
---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
BCGEU and MFA | (X) | ||
c) Benefits adjustments projected: Administration and CUPE BCGEU and MFA |
---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
d) All Groups | (319000) | (100000) | (100000) |
d) Increased premiums (Life, LTD, EHB, Dental): |
---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
4. Non-Recurring Budget | |||
4. 2001 – 02 Non-Recurring Budget. Elimination of prior year non-recurring funds, the use of which was confined almost exclusively to additional sections of instruction. |
---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
- Revenue | (500000) | ||
---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
- Expenditure | 500000 | ||
---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
5. Provincial Formula & Non-Formula Grants | (1903978) | ||
Vancouver Island University 2002-2005 Operating Fund Budget Planning Assumption #5 Attachment A. | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
6. Part-Time Vocational Funding | (659,688) | ||
It is anticipated that this funding will be cancelled by the Ministry. | --------- | --------- | --------- |