VIU Scenery

SEM Acknowledgements and Appendix


In September 2023, the Provost and Vice-President Academic called a committee together to draft VIU’s first Strategic Enrolment Management Plan. The SEM Committee reviewed the extensive work undertaken by the university in 2019-22 to support the development of a strategic enrolment management plan and consulted with the Provost, Deans and key leaders in the university community on the development of the goals and strategies of this plan. The insights, experiences and perspectives of all those who contributed to developing this plan are acknowledged and appreciated. Notably, the following SEM Committee members are acknowledged for their contributions.

SEM Committee Members:

  • Carolyn Russell, Vice President, Students (Chair)
  • Irlanda Gonzalez Price, Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs (co-Chair)
  • Dr. Ross MacKay, Associate Vice-President, Academic Planning
  • Fred Jacklin, University Registrar
  • Dr. Eve Stringham, Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology
  • Dr. Rachel Moll, Acting Dean, Faculty of Education


Appendix 1

Strategic Retention Model Summary Report

Appendix 2

Strategic Retention Model Strategies

Appendix 3

Retention Baseline Report

Appendix 4

Strategic Enrolment Management Committee Membership

Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) Council

The SEM Council will discuss, monitor and evaluate all aspects of the SEM Plan. The Council assists the University in establishing, achieving, and maintaining enrolment goals in collaboration with Faculties and Administrative Units by supporting, assisting, and facilitating effective enrolment management activities across the institution and by fostering a campus-wide SEM culture. The primary functions of the Council are to monitor the implementation of the SEM Plan, receive reports from the subcommittees and report on progress to achieve the plan.  


  • Vice President, Students (Chair)
  • Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs
  • University Registrar
  • Associate Vice-President, Academic
  • 2 Deans, appointed by the Provost
  • Director, Office of Future Students

Student Recruitment Subcommittee

The Recruitment subcommittee will be a standing subcommittee of the SEM Council responsible for establishing and revising the strategies, tactics, and actions primarily for Goals 1, 2, and reporting out to the SEM Council.

Chaired by the Director, Future Students, the Student Recruitment Subcommittee is responsible for:

  • drafting tactics and action plans that support achieving the strategies with timelines, accountabilities, and budgets; 
  • determining gaps between best practices and the university’s student recruitment activities;
  • reviewing research and data regarding the enrolment funnel from prospects to enrolled students and making recommendations to improve applications/admits/registered students; and 
  • providing regular reports to SEM Council on Subcommittee activities. 


  • Director, Office of Future Students (Chair)
  • Director, Brand and Marketing
  • Director, Graduate Studies and Student Research
  • Associate Registrar, Admissions and Registration
  • Associate Registrar, International
  • Domestic Recruitment representative
  • International Recruitment representative
  • Office of Indigenous Education and Engagement representative
  • Manager, Financial Aid Access, Awards and Resources
  • 1 Dean or Associate Dean, appointed by the Provost
  • 1 Faculty Member, appointed by the Provost

Student Retention Subcommittee

The Retention subcommittee will be a standing subcommittee of the SEM Council responsible for establishing and revising the strategies, tactics, and actions primarily for Goals 3, 4, and reporting out to the SEM Council.

Chaired by the AVP Student Affairs, the Student Retention Subcommittee will be responsible for:

  • drafting tactics and action plans that support achieving the strategies with timelines, accountabilities, and budgets
  • determining gaps between best practices and the university’s student retention activities
  • considering the variety of needs of associated with our diverse student community and make recommendations on how to meet these, and 
  • providing regular reports to SEM Council on Subcommittee activities


  • Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs (Chair)
  • Associate Vice-President, Academic
  • Director, Student Services
  • Director, Centre for Experiential Learning and Student Engagement
  • Director, Graduate Studies and Student Research
  • Director, VIU International
  • Manager, Academic Advising                               
  • Office of Indigenous Education and Engagement representative
  • 1 Dean or Associate Dean, appointed by the Provost
  • 1 Faculty member, appointed by the Provost

Data Analysis Subcommittee

The Data Analysis subcommittee will be a standing committee of the SEM Council responsible for preparing enrolment models that support the SEM Plan, supporting research to inform SEM Plan implementation, and providing data to SEM Council and Subcommittees as needed.

Chaired by the University Registrar, the Data Analysis Subcommittee will be responsible for:

  • preparing enrolment models that support the SEM Plan
  • supporting research to inform SEM Plan implementation, and 
  • providing data to SEM Council and Subcommittees as needed


  • University Registrar (Chair)
  • Director, Strategic Planning and Initiatives
  • Associate Registrar, Records and Registration Systems
  • IT Enterprise Systems representative
  • 1 Dean or Associate Dean, appointed by the Provost
  • 1 Faculty member, appointed by the Provost