VIU Scenery

SEM plan implementation

Plan implementation

Key to the implementation of the SEM Plan is the establishment of an accountability structure that includes

  • clear expectations
  • regular reporting
  • assigned responsibility

At the highest level, the goals and strategies in this plan align with VIU’s Strategic Plan, People, Place, Potential, and have been approved by the Senior Management Team, signaling the commitment of the university’s leadership to this endeavor. The next step is the development of tactics and action plans for each strategy, including:

  • assigned responsibility
  • completion dates
  • assessment measures

In Spring 2024, the implementation process will begin with a reshaping of the SEM Committee into an oversight council with three subcommittees charged with carrying forward aspects of the plan (Appendix 4).

The SEM Council Chair will work with the Chairs of three SEM subcommittees (Appendix 4) to

  • identify tactics that advance the stated goals and strategies
  • identify who will execute the tactics
  • determine critical deadlines to ensure that we are able to achieve these goals

These expectations will be articulated in an accountability plan and will be shared with the community by Fall 2024. The Plan will balance the need for clear expectations against the need for flexibility to learn from our efforts and to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. Success in implementation will require not only organization and accountability. It also will require commitment and effort. Each SEM subcommittee will produce and submit an annual report to the SEM Council detailing their progress.

The entire campus community’s support and involvement is needed. To facilitate campus involvement and support in advancing the plan, a SEM Dialogue will be held annually. The SEM Dialogue will include an update to the campus community on our implementation and will engage the community in conversations regarding advancing the plan and prioritizing actions.