March Blog Post
“Beware the ides of March” (Julius Caesar, Act 1, Sc.2)
February Blog Post
We are about halfway through winter, and so far this month we have experienced snow, fog, rain and blinding sun. And yet signs of spring are everywhere. I see crocuses popping up, Canada geese flying overhead and there are buds on the trees. The air is softer, the sun is coming up a bit earlier every day and if March is the month that roars in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, I can hardly imagine what lies ahead.
January Blog Post
Welcome to 2020! January is always a time for reflection, and given the year, a time to look back on the last decade. So, what’s happened during the last decade? Well, for me, the last decade brought a lot of personal and professional change (new jobs, new locations, new friends and family members), making it hard for me to describe the decade in a coherent fashion. Or maybe the description for the last decade was change – making change, living through change and adapting to change.
December Blog Post
So it’s December, a time to take stock of the year and all it has contained. This is also the first column I’ve written in the five months I’ve been at VIU. The time has flown by and before we know it, we’ll be in the heart of convocation season. But before that happens, let me start by telling you about my blog.