VIU Scenery

Standing Committees

Responsibilities of Standing Committee Support

  • Send Senate support approved agendas and minutes in PDF format
  • Send Senate support, by agenda deadline, summary of recommendations and/or discussion items from Standing Committee meetings for inclusion in the Senate agenda package (in word or PDF format)
  • Send Senate support PDF of meeting cancellations when applicable
  • Notify Senate support of any membership issues such as resignations, vacancies, or members who miss more than three meetings
  • Send Senate support year-end reports and per year-end memo

Responsibilities of Senate Support

  • Provide guidance on operations of Senate (bylaws, University Act, etc.)
  • Provide training on Robert's Rules, meeting organization, agenda preparation, minutes, etc.
  • Provide document templates to allow for consistency across Senate and Standing Committees
  • Direct Senate business items to Standing Committees as necessary and follow up as required
  • Ensure smooth transaction of business between Senate and Standing Committees
  • Provide Standing Committee support with up-to-date membership lists
  • Consult with Standing Committee support on the development of the Senate Master Meeting Schedule