Send Senate support approved agendas and minutes in PDF format
Send Senate support, by agenda deadline, summary of recommendations and/or discussion items from Standing Committee meetings for inclusion in the Senate agenda package (in word or PDF format)
Send Senate support PDF of meeting cancellations when applicable
Notify Senate support of any membership issues such as resignations, vacancies, or members who miss more than three meetings
Send Senate support year-end reports and per year-end memo
Responsibilities of Senate Support
Provide guidance on operations of Senate (bylaws, University Act, etc.)
Provide training on Robert's Rules, meeting organization, agenda preparation, minutes, etc.
Provide document templates to allow for consistency across Senate and Standing Committees
Direct Senate business items to Standing Committees as necessary and follow up as required
Ensure smooth transaction of business between Senate and Standing Committees
Provide Standing Committee support with up-to-date membership lists
Consult with Standing Committee support on the development of the Senate Master Meeting Schedule