- president
- vice-chair of senate (1 year term)
- 1 dean – elected by senate (3 year term)
- 5 faculty members – elected from and by senate (3 year term)
- 1 student – elected from and by senate (1 year term)
- 1 support staff – elected from and by senate (3 year term)
Provide advice to Senate regarding
- setting policy and criteria for awarding honorary credentials, including degrees
- setting policy and criteria for awards recognizing academic excellence
- setting policy and criteria for awarding academic emeritus designation
- setting policy and criteria for awards recognizing outstanding service to the university
- setting policy and criteria for awards recognizing outstanding achievement by alumni
- nominating candidates for honorary credentials, outstanding service awards and alumni awards
- developing strategies for recognition of student, staff, faculty and administrative achievement
- other matters as assigned by Senate
Approved by Senate - June 1, 2017