The Senate support person is responsible for developing the academic governance Meeting Schedule, which includes all the meetings of Senate and its Standing Committees. Senate meets 9 times during the academic year, with a meeting each month starting in October, and ending in June. For more information on Senate meetings please review the Senate Bylaws & Procedures at VIU Senate.
Once drafted, the Meeting Schedule is distributed to Standing Committee Support & the Coordinator of Curriculum Development for review and feedback. Once feedback is received the schedule can go to Senate for approval. Once Senate approves the schedule, it can move forward to the Board, Management Committee, and the Standing Committees for information. It also is posted on the VIU website under Governance, Administration, and Planning.
In addition, the schedule is sent to Facilities Services so that they can program the Library building to stay open until the meetings end. The schedule is also sent to the Room Booking Clerk so that the appropriate rooms are booked well in advance. Also, a workorder request should be completed for facilities to help with the setup and take down of tables at Senate meetings, as the configuration is different from that of standard VIU meetings.
- Email Regarding Governance Meeting Schedule - For Review
- Email Regarding Governance Meeting Schedule - Room Bookings
- Email Regarding Governance Meeting Schedule - Elevator Access