Year at a Glance
- Annual Senate Retreat & Orientation
- Introduction of New Members
- Review of Senate evaluation if applicable (done every 3 years - last one conducted in 2012).
- First meeting of the year
- Group photo
- Awards & Honors Committee meets regarding Honorary Credentials
- Planning & Priorities Committee normally receives budget presentation
- Senate In-Camera meeting regarding Awards & Honors Committee recommendations of Honorary Credentials
- Planning & Priorities to receive report on non-credit programs and programs offered under service contracts
- Prepare draft Senate Master Meeting Schedule (work around Board of Governors meeting dates) Senate usually meets the first Thursday of every month
- Check for any Senate member terms expiring June 30th; if necessary, ask Elections Committee support to call meeting of Elections Committee to plan for a Spring election.
- Develop plan of action for any standing committee memberships affected by change in Senate members.
- Determine vacancies for Senate elections and send memos to Registrar; President; Board, and resource person supervisors
- Finalize Senate Master Meeting Schedule and send to Senate for approval
- Send a memo to Standing Committees regarding year end activities/deadlines
- Develop and update membership lists for Senate and its Standing Committees for the upcoming year
- Conduct the elect meeting for the Vice-Chair of Senate for the upcoming year
- Standing Committees also to conduct the elect meeting for the Chair and Vice-Chair for the upcoming year, if applicable
- Elections Committee meets to finalize Standing Committee membership lists
- Elections Committee meets to elect the Vice-Chair of Senate
- Senate appoints the Final Appeals Tribunal, under the Educational Standards Committees' recommendation
- Start thank you letters to Senators and Standing Committee Members (CC & ESC) whose terms are expiring.
- Send acknowledgement letters to outgoing members, with a copy to Human Resources for the employee file (letter should come from Ralph as Chair)
- Send acknowledgement letter to Standing Committee support
- Recess
- Send message to Senate members regarding the Senate annual retreat