VIU Scenery

CS03: Emergency Management and Critical Incidents Response

Draft CS03: Emergency Management and Critical Incidents Response is a new policy.

About the policy

The purpose of this policy is to protect the health and welfare of the VIU community by reducing the negative impacts resulting from emergencies, disasters and critical incidents. This policy also ensures compliance with the Emergency and Disaster Management Act and the requirements for Education Quality Assurance (EQA) status.

Consultation on the draft policy is now closed. The consultation took place from January 13, 2025 until 4 pm on February 7, 2025. The policy may be updated based on the feedback received. The Policy Office may also make minor changes to formatting/wording for consistency. Consultation feedback and policy changes will be outlined in the consultation report. The consultation report will be provided to the Board of Governors and posted on this policy page.

We anticipate this draft policy will be provided to the March 31, 2025 Board of Governors meeting for approval. Check back on the CS03: Emergency Management and Critical Incidents Response page for updates as this policy moves through the Board of Governors policy approval process.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. 

Policy information

A board level policy requiring emergency management and critical incident response plans will meet the fiduciary obligations of the board to manage risk.

For critical incidents, there is an additional need to meet the requirements for Education Quality Assurance (EQA) status: "The institution must create and implement a policy and process for managing critical incidents and crisis situations, including designating specific staff member(s) responsible for the institution's crisis and critical incident management.  The policy must be available on the institution's website." EQA certification is required for any PSI accepting international students.

Though critical incident response policies are not yet common among comparators, it was determined that a joint policy with emergency management would ensure compliance with the new Quality Assurance requirements.

A new joint policy was developed to respond to these requirements.

Table of Concordance: Policy 





Scope and Application



New, with some content based on comparators and BC Emergency Management System Guide



Roles and Responsibilities




Related Documents


Appendix A: Definitions

New, with content based on comparators and BC Emergency Management System Guide (see document notes)

Documents for review

CS03: Emergency Management and Critical Incidents Response (draft)