VIU Scenery

RS03: Postdoctoral Fellowships

Draft RS03: Postdoctoral Fellowships replaces VIU policy 31.16 Postdoctoral Fellowships and its associated procedure.

The purpose of this policy is to define VIUs commitment and responsibilities towards Postdoctoral Fellows.

Consultation on the draft policy is now open and members of the VIU community are invited to share their feedback. The consultation runs from December 16, 2024 until 4 pm on January 24, 2025. Input received during the community consultation will help inform changes to the proposed policy. Any feedback or submissions received after the consultation period concludes may not be reflected in the revised policy or in the consultation summary report.

The Tri-Agencies encourage institutions to set policies and procedures for post-doctoral fellowships (PDFs), and they set rules for how Tri-Agency PDFs’ funding is distributed (these rules do not apply to other types of PDFs). A board level policy meets the institution’s obligations to the Tri-Agencies for the PDFs that they fund and manages risk.

VIU’s existing policies were adapted to the new template, with new sections added where required. The procedures were de-coupled from the policy. This is to allow the procedures to be more aligned with other HR policies, which will be held at a departmental level. It will also allow VIU to be more responsive to changing Tri-Agency and HR requirements.

Table of Concordance: Policy 

Section – New Policy




Scope and Application

  • Portion taken from “Purpose” section of the original policy
  • New content


  • Content from the “Statement” and “Purpose” sections of the original policy
  • Additional content from “Purpose” section of original procedure




New, aligns with the role of the Provost

Roles and Responsibilities


Related Documents

New, from original procedures

Revision History


Appendix A: Definitions

  • Content from the original policy, with updates from subject matter experts (SMEs)
  • PDF definitions taken from original procedure, with updates from SMEs
  • “Letter of Offer” removed as it is no longer referenced in the policy


  • The line regarding the temporary nature of PDFs was removed as this is specified in the “Definitions”

Share your input

Once you have reviewed the policy, please share your feedback in one of the following ways:

Policy Office
Office of the General Counsel and University Secretary
Nanaimo Campus
Building: 305, Room: 432
Mail drop: 305-4A

Feedback provided will be anonymized in all reporting.

Formal submissions

Formal submissions from groups or organizations can be submitted by email to or in writing (see above). Please state the name of your group and the position of the person submitting the feedback. These submissions will not be anonymized and feedback will be attributed in reporting.

Thank you for participating!

Once consultation is complete, this policy will go through the Board of Governors approval process. The policy may be updated based on the feedback received. The Policy Office may also make minor changes to formatting/wording for consistency. Consultation feedback and policy changes will be outlined in the consultation report. The consultation report will be provided to the Board of Governors and posted on this policy page.

We anticipate this draft policy will be provided to the March 31, 2025 Board of Governors meeting for approval. Check back on the RS03: Postdoctoral Fellowships policy page for updates as this policy moves through the policy approval process.