VIU Campus

Messages from the President

  • Dr. Deb Saucier, VIU President and Vice-Chancellor

    January Blog

    January is a strange month. Perhaps it is because it is on the other side of many holidays. Perhaps it is because the days are finally getting longer and things are starting to sprout in the garden. Perhaps it is the start of a new term. 

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  • A Different Kind of University draft strategic plan

    Engage in the next phase of VIU's strategic planning process

    Dear VIU Community, I'm excited to announce that the next phase of VIU’s strategic planning process has arrived.

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  • Deb Saucier gets a haircut at the VIU Salon

    October/November Blog

    I’ve been spending some time on campus since the start of term and noticed, when wandering around, that I’ve been running into more people.

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  • Thanksgiving message from VIU President Dr. Deb Saucier

    A Message of Thanksgiving

    I wanted to take a moment to wish all of our students and employees a happy, safe and healthy Thanksgiving long weekend.

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  • Dr. Deb Saucier, VIU President and Vice-Chancellor

    September Blog Post

    My apologies for not blogging over the past few months, but the events since March have made time for reflection and writing scarce. Further, “Zoom Fatigue” sapped most of my creative juices.

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    April Blog Post

    I am writing this from my home office, which is above my garage. It is a bright and sunny day and I am happily perched among the Douglas fir and cedar trees that line my driveway.

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    March Blog Post

    “Beware the ides of March” (Julius Caesar, Act 1, Sc.2)

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  • Dr. Deb Saucier, VIU President and Vice-Chancellor, at Convocation

    February Blog Post

    We are about halfway through winter, and so far this month we have experienced snow, fog, rain and blinding sun. And yet signs of spring are everywhere. I see crocuses popping up, Canada geese flying overhead and there are buds on the trees.

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  • Dr. Deb Saucier, VIU President and Vice-Chancellor

    January Blog Post

    Welcome to 2020! January is always a time for reflection, and given the year, a time to look back on the last decade. So, what’s happened during the last decade?

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  • Three Things Blog

    December Blog Post

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